In its first year, RISE has transformed thousands of men’s lives all around the world. Parishes and groups have used the RISE 30-Day Challenge to cast a wide-net to all the men of the parish and bring them together into a common mission like never before.
It's easy to run a RISE Challenge! See below for the Planning Guide and other resources.
What is it? RISE is a powerful 30-Day Challenge for men by Chris Stefanick. It is 30 days of videos and challenges done individually online, and with additional group meeting options using the Planning Guide below.
Each man is encouraged to do RISE with a "brother." This is a critical component to the challenge as it builds accountability and friendship based on a common mission.
What does it cost? The investment for each man is about $1/day. $37 gives them lifetime access to the challenge and membership in a community of thousands of men around the world. There's no cost to the parish.
Does it work? Yes! We've received over 12,000 comments from men already. Lives are being transformed in ways we never thought possible.
A step-by-step guide to a powerful renewal for the men of your parish, including week-by-week plans for group meetings.
Helps men choose and walk with a "brother" through the 30 days. This is one of the most powerful elements of RISE.
This 4-page brochure outlines the important details of RISE. Perfect for printing and sharing with your parish leadership.
Below are files for you to use to promote the RISE challenge.
8.5 x 11 'fillable' pdf flyer for handing out after Mass, placing on pews, inserting into bulletins, or emailing.
11 x 17 'fillable' pdf poster for display around the parish, in men's restroom, meeting areas.
Consider displaying on an easel by RISE table in narthex. We suggest printing on Gatorfoam board at a local printer for durability.
Share on your parish website, Facebook/Instagram account. Be sure to include the link
Sample post:
Men: It's time to RISE! This powerful movement is coming to our parish. 5 minutes a day will change your life!
Consider printing 500-1000 business cards for your core team to handout to men of the parish. Also give a couple to each man who registers.
Create excitement and buzz by placing lawn signs strategically around the parking lot. Use this file to send to a local printer, or for an online retailer.
Suggested text for placing in bulletin along with flyer. Also a script for presenting after Masses.
This is a high-res JPEG for a half-page bulletin ad. Consider running this 2 months before your start date.
Use this to keep track of the men signing up for RISE so you can follow-up with them.
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